
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Healthcare Kata on YouTube

Last month I was honored to be invited to speak at the 10th Annual Northeast L.E.A.N. Conference hosted by GBMP, Inc.  It was my first time attending this conference, and I have to say that it's a truly wonderful event.  Well-organized, great people...awesome vibe.  Go to this event if you can!

Anyway, my 40-minute presentation was not recorded, so I broke it up into a series of six short presentation, added my voice-over to the slides, and uploaded the resulting videos to YouTube:

The presentation is basically me sharing the results of some of my experiments with the Toyota Kata approach in hospitals.  The good, the bad, and the ugly.  Hopefully it's useful to you.

Here's the first video, which is introductory...

The second video is where I provide an overview of the Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata techniques...

Videos 3, 4, and 5 dive into specific examples of the Kata in action in hospitals...

And last but not least, part 6 is where I provide a metaphor that hopefully explains how the Kata approach fits into a lean transformation...